Five Substitutions Will Be Possible in the Football Leagues Throughout 2020

The International Football Association Board (IFAB), the international body that can decide changes in the rules of football, has accepted the proposal of FIFA, the international federation that governs world football, to temporarily change the rule that grants the replacement of three players in one game per team to five to try to better protect the health of players during the coronavirus epidemic.

The new rule will affect all competitions in progress and those that will eventually resume in the coming months. Each federation will be able to decide whether or not to apply this temporary change, which will be in effect from June 1st to the end of December. IFAB and FIFA have reserved the right to decide later whether to extend the change also for competitions that must be completed in 2021.

To avoid too many interruptions in the game, however, each team will only have three opportunities to make substitutions, in addition to those that can be made during the interval between one game time and another. The amendment was also introduced because given the contraction of the calendar for the leagues that will restart the players will have to play more games in a limited period.

IFAB was founded in London in 1886, but is based in Zurich, and is independent of FIFA. It is composed of only 8 members, each with equal voting rights: four are appointed by FIFA and four are designated by the football associations of the United Kingdom (federations of Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland).
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